How To Attract Asian Women: A Simple Guide To Meeting And Dating Asian Women

Two types of Asian girls

There are two VERY different kinds of Asian women in this world. The home grown Asian girl and the Westernized Asian girl.
  • Western Asian girls – Brought up in a very western culture such as the USA or UK, they have an eclectic mix of friends… black, white, etc. These girls are much tougher than home grown girls, they are harder to crack and have a little bit of an attitude because they have been hounded by guys for a while, especially if they are smokin hot.
  • Home grown Asian girls – Brought up in their hometown (Japan, China, Korea etc) and adopt the culture, which is much more strict, respectful and timid. They are fully immersed with their own race, so dating another race is usually a grey area. They will also be extremely shy and not used to the western style of dating.

How to pick up Asian girls

These techniques won’t work on every Asian girl, but they will work on a large number of them. So gauge the interactions and change your game based on the girl.
  • Be dominant and direct – Asian girls are naturally (usually) quite timid due to their strict upbringing, so they really respond well to a firm and authoritative manner, even more so than the average western woman. It’s important to be very dominant and direct, but also respectful at the same time. When you are approaching them, be persistent as they sometimes won’t hang around too long to hear what you have to say.
  • Take your time – Sorry guys, most Asian women won’t give it up on the first night, so you need to work for it over a few weeks. Take them for a coffee, get to know them, build deep levels of rapport and then begin sexually escalating heavily on the 3rd meetup.
  • Build a deep connection Asian girls love the whole fairy tale story because they are very romantic and soppy at heart, so concentrate on building a strong connection with them.
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